Basic Military Science Courses
101 Fundamentals of Military Science I. (2) Introduction to Army ROTC, the U.S. Army Organization, and individual military skills. Class meets one hour each week with a two-hour laboratory required. This laboratory allows the cadets to practice military skills.
102 Fundamentals of Military Science I. (2) Continuation of ARMY 101 with emphasis on individual military skills. Class meets one hour each week with a two-hour laboratory.
201 Fundamentals of Military Science II. (3) Leadership theory and general military skills. Two class meetings each week with a two-hour laboratory for practical exercises.
202 Fundamentals of Military Science II. (3) Small unit training systems and tactical operations. Two class meetings each week with a two-hour laboratory.
Advanced Military Science Courses
301 Principles of Military Leadership. (4) (Prereq: ARMY 202 or instructor's permission) Principles of leading soldiers in peace and war; military training techniques. Two class meetings each week and a two-hour laboratory.
302 Small Unit Tactics and Communications. (4) (Prereq: ARMY 301 or instructor's permission) Leader's role in directing individuals and small units in tactical missions. Two class meetings per week plus a two-hour laboratory.
401 Seminar in Leadership and Management I. (4) (Prereq: ARMY 302 or instructor's permission) Case studies in management and leadership, military correspondence, and oral presentations on military subjects. Two class meetings per week plus a two-hour laboratory.
402 Seminar in Leadership and Management II. (4) (Prereq: ARMY 401 or instructor's permission) Selected leadership and management problems in unit administration, military justice, and professionalism and ethics. Two class meetings per week and a two-hour laboratory.
Military History Courses
406 American Military Experience. [ = HIST 468] (3) Transformation of war and of the institutions for waging war from the American Revolution to the present.
407 Evolution of Warfare. [ = HIST 597] (3) A history of tactics, strategy, weapons, and logistics from 1400 A.D. to the present